
If you are looking for my amateur radio blog this isn't it. Every now and then I have something to say that does not fit in to what I want to post at CQHQ so that will be posted here. What you can expect to find here is my opinions on current affairs, family news and funny stuff that made me smile.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Rage Against The Mayo

Mayonnaise (often abbreviated to mayo) is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk and either vinegar or lemon juice, with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. The stuff you buy in the shops also contains tons of salt, preservatives and sugar. Mayonnaise has frequently been the source of mass food poisonings due to the use of raw egg yolks full of salmonella bacteria. If not properly refrigerated even bacteria free fresh mayo goes bad extremely quickly. We are told that most people should avoid eating more than one or two eggs a week and that while the white is good for you the yolk is an evil cholesterol bomb. So can someone please explain to me why every ready made sandwich maker in Britain has stopped using butter or margarine and started to spread their bread with the potentially lethal concoction that is mayonnaise? I absolutely hate mayo and even if I did like it I would think twice about eating it at all outside of my own home where I know how it has been kept. Just what is wrong with a decent bit of butter? Just to rub it in these ready made sandwich makers sometimes supply "Mayo Free" versions, but these consist of dry bread, which is usually stale on both sides. I know I should try not to eat from service station refractories, but needs must. Sorry to moan but I have had enough of the dodgy pasties, sausage rolls and pies too.

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